More compilations of federal education education legislation / laws

Some compilations already have been published on this site here, and copies of individual statutes can be found here.

Here are a few more:

Zeno B. Katterle and Ruth E. Pike, A Compilation of Laws and Proposals Relating to Federal Aid to Education (The State College of Washington, 1949)

Hsien Lu, Federal Role in Education: A Comprehensive Study of Federal Relations to Education in the United States—Their Past, Present, and Future (The American Press, 1968).

Americo D. Lapati, Education and the Federal Government: A Historical Record (Mason/Charter, 1975)

Willard Walter Patty, Legal Basis of the Public Secondary Education Program of the United States, 1927

This is an interesting book. The author, who wrote at least a few titles on education, sifted through state laws and other primary materials, to catalog the public policy objectives for public secondary schools. Among the interesting findings are: 10 states had schools to “inculcate honesty,” 9 states sought to teach the young to “cherish science,” and 25 sought to train pupils in morality.

Patty’s conducted his research after a flurry of state activity to make secondary schooling a norm for most if not all students. His book, then, is an empirical investigation to grasp what was going on and why.

This book is not easy to find. In the late 1990s, I got a copy from New York University’s Bobst library. To my delight, it still is there! There are other research libraries that have this volume. Seeing as the book is nearly a century old and highly unlikely to be under copyright, I wish someone would digitize it and put it online. (My PDF, alas, has only a handful of the opening pages.)